Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Football is getting close people!

Every year Hank Williams Jr. asks the same question...

"Are you ready for some FOOTBAAAAAAAAAAAAALL?!?!"

It's kind of a silly question really. One that, I'm sure by now, he knows the answer to. HELL...YES. Pardon my french, but I think that's the only way to describe how millions of men and mainly southern women feel. Whether is college or pro, I'm just ready for my weekends to revolve around this beautiful, majestic game. It's the only event that I would PAY to see 300-pound sweaty men in skin-tight uniforms.

It's weird to me how obsessed American's are about football. It's weird how it is far and away the most popular sport. If you think about it, the NFL is only played on around 43 days out of the year...not including pre-season. That means the other ten and a half months are spent analyzing it. If one year is 100%, then 87.5% of the year we look forward to the other 12.5%. The numbers get even smaller if you just enjoy watching your specific team. If you just follow one team, and they don't make the playoffs...that's 16 days out of the year! There is still 349 other days to get through.

Why do we obsess so much over something that, over the course of the year, takes up soooo little time? I have no f***ing clue, and I don't really care. All I care about is listening to Gus Johnson pop a blood vessel as Kyle Orton throws the game winning touchdown.

All the overexposure to stupid topics like Michael Vick blowing another chance, or Ben Roethlisberger impressing Roger Goodell by signing some freakin autographs gets laid to rest when its time for kick-off. In the off-season I would rather see Helen Thomas in 3-D than see Brett Farve's face all over ESPN. Once football Sundays roll around? I wouldn't miss a Favre game if there was a Golden Girls marathon on Lifetime.

Let do this. Just shut the F up and play some ball. I'm ready. My friends are ready. Gosh darnit, America is ready.

For the last time Hank...YES.